Portable Primary source – up to 80 °C/ 175 °F
LANDCAL P80P is a portable, variable temperature, blackbody radiation source. It is a primary standard designed for high precision calibration of low temperature radiation thermometers with sub-zero measurement capability.
Designed for easy single-person installation, SPOT pyrometers integrate AMETEK Land’s world-leading infrared temperature measurements into a resilient unit that’s simple to install and position.
Powerful processing, communications and control functions deliver the accurate single spot measurement users depend on to optimise their application processes – helping you maintain high product quality and protect against costly process inefficiencies.
Simple to set up, intuitive to operate, SPOT pyrometers provide a rich stream of accurate, repeatable real-time temperature data delivered locally via the unit or remotely with custom SPOT software.
Adapted for temperature measurements ranging from 0-2600 °C / 32-4700 °F, SPOT’s extensive model range also meets the individual process challenges for industries including Power Generation, Aluminium, Steel and Industrial Processing.
Everything you need is built into SPOT Pyrometers: with no separate processor required, set-up and operation is simple. Intuitive local and remote interfaces manages operational and sophisticated processing functions, while digital and analogue communications and alarm contacts are all included as standard.
Patented Bright Green, easy to see pulsed LED sighting pattern ensures optimum focus while exactly confirming the target spot’s location and size. Optics feature a motorised focus that can be easily accessed locally at the pyrometer or remotely over an Ethernet link.
By integrating motorized focus and sophisticated target alignment technologies to help you precisely focus SPOT’s advanced infrared optics, our ‘point and play’ design gives you an accurate, stable measurement, more quickly – reducing maintenance time and enabling faster process adjustments.
Every customer application is different, so the SPOT product range is designed to match specific process challenges. Through extensive hardware, software, accessory and remote sensing options, SPOT partners your needs precisely.
AMETEK Land SPOT Pyrometers are available in a range of models.
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Online Demonstration
We feel the best way to understand the breakthrough that the new SPOT thermometer has made is by trying the online SPOT Simulator. Most of the functionality of the real device is represented: you can set alarms to trigger if the temperature falls outside a defined measurement range, set up outputs, plus many other functions. Context-sensitive help will explain the features of the device as you click through it.